FMES/OP-8二元体系在油田清蜡剂中的应用 《精细石油化工进展》2022年10期

Posted: 2022-11-22

TEXZO-FMES/OP-8二元体系在油田清蜡剂中的应用 《精细石油化工进展》2022年10期


上海喜赫精细化工有限公司,上海 201620

摘要脂肪酸甲酯乙氧基化物磺酸盐TEXZO-FMES与石蜡和沥青有相似的长碳链结构,分散性能优异,对蜡垢和沥青有明显的剥离作用,对原油还具有一定的降黏效果,可以提高原油的流速,减少结蜡的倾向。将阴离子型表面活性剂脂肪酸甲酯乙氧基化物磺酸盐TEXZO-FMES与非离子型表面活性剂辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚(OP-8)复配组成二元体系,能够降低清蜡工作液的表面张力,减弱蜡垢与筒壁的粘附力,有利于蜡垢的解析和脱离。结果表明FMES/OP-8二元体系与溶剂有很好的协同增效作用,通过实验最终得到清蜡效果较好的乳化型清蜡剂的配方为TEXZO-FMES,OP-8,200#溶剂油,粗苯,正己醇和TEXZO-EDDHA-Na的质量分数分别为6%6%24%60%3%和1%。按该配方制得的清蜡剂用于油井现场清蜡实验,现场试验反馈抽油马达上载电流下降5 %,平均产油量提高0.4 m3/天,清蜡作业达到了预期效果。


中图分类号:TQ028.8       文献标识码:A       文章编号:

The research of binary system with FMES and OP-8 in paraffin inhibitor

GAO  Song

Shanghai Xihe Fine Chemical Co. ,Ltd, Shanghai ,201620,China

AbstractThe Fatty acid methyl Ester sulfonate FMES has a long carbon chain structure ,which is similar to the paraffin wax and asphalt, It has excellent dispersion performance, and obvious stripping effect on Wax scale and asphalt, FMES has the viscosity reducing effect, which can increase the flow rate of crude oil, reduce the tendency of wax deposition.The binary system composed of anionic FMES and nonionic OP-8 can reduce the surface tension of wax cleaning solution and the adhesion between wax scale and cylinder wall, it is beneficial to the resolution and detachment of wax scale. FMES/OP-8 binary system and solvent have a good synergistic effect. The proportion of FMES, op-8, 200#solvent oil, crude benzene, 1-hexanol, ethylenediamine di-phenylacetic acid sodium were 6 %,6 %,24 %,60 %,3 %,1 %. The paraffin remover was tested in the field, the up-load current decreased by 5 %, the oil yield increased by 0.4 m3/day, and the period of wax removal was 15 days.
